After completing my anatomy course on a YTT, students often ask me for resources for further learning. Here are some of my favourites.
Websites and Blogs
Julian Baker / Functional Fascia: This one is a bit technical but the best way to deepen your understanding of fascia! Julian offers human dissection and prosection (prepared dissection) courses.
Jason Crandell has some useful resources on sequencing and blog posts on anatomy, and his wife, Andrea Ferretti, does a great podcast:
Stu Girling: Anatomy teacher who has hours of interviews with excellent guests and articles:
Gil Hedley: Famous for his "fuzz speech," Gil has devoted his life to understanding the beauty of human body (especially through dissection) and has hours of online dissections:
Leslie Kaminoff has some brilliant videos on YouTube. His website also has some valuable resources.
Matthew Huy (me): My site has an informative blog. You can subscribe to my newsletter where I send biweekly information-packed emails:
Yoga International: They often have insightful articles and videos with the likes of Bernie Clark. I'd recommend joining their mailing list.
Ray Long is the author of a popular series of yoga anatomy books. On his blog, he covers such questions as 'Should we engage the glutes in shoulder bridge?':
Andrew McGonigle / Doctor Yogi: (a close colleague of mine) is a medically trained yoga and anatomy teacher who has some useful vlogs and leads anatomy workshops internationally:
Tom Myers is a leader in fascia research and the author of Anatomy Trains:
Jules Mitchell: with a Master's in biomechanics, Jules knows her stuff about stretching and the biomechanics of yoga and she offers online courses:
Jenni Rawlings: yoga teacher and anatomy trainer who writes about complex anatomy in a very simple and easy-to-understand way and she likes to shake up the many myths swirling through the yoga-teacher-universe.
Yogaland Podcast Jason's wife Andrea Ferretti does a great podcast where she interviews respected yoga teachers as well as scientists who shed some light on this yoga teaching stuff we do. I love the two podcasts with neuromechanist Robin Capobianco. Check them out! Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast Information, support and inspiration for yoga teachers. Topics include the business of yoga, teaching skills, philosophy and more:
Great Reference Books
The Physiology of Yoga by Andrew McGonigle and myself
Functional Anatomy of Yoga by David Keil
Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews
Your Body Your Yoga by Bernie Clark
Yoga Biomechanics by Jules Mitchell
Your Spine Your Yoga by Bernie Clark